Engineering Technology

Congratulations to the SME Robotics Challenge Team at the National Robotics Challenge in Marion, OH. MTSU teams secured a Gold Award (1st Place) in Autonomous Vehicles, a Bronze Award (3rd Place) in Sumo Robot, and a Bronze Award (3rd Place) in the Combat Robot Competition. Students had a good time but were laser focused on the competition. Thanks to faculty advisor Vishwas Bedekar.

The purpose of Engineering Technology is to prepare students for a broad range of technical and industrial management positions. This is accomplished through nationally accredited programs, a project-based learning environment, and extensive collaboration with industry.

The department faculty members have appropriate academic credentials in addition to significant industrial experience. Numerous opportunities are available for students to participate in nationally competitive projects related to topics such as space robotics and solar-powered vehicles.

Several programs require heavy interaction with the industrial sector, which allows students to work on projects with potential employers. Experiential learning opportunities exist through cooperative and internship classes. Highly motivated students may wish to obtain important industry-recognized certifications that exceed accreditation requirements. Students may study an array of the latest breakthroughs in topic areas such as constructions, rapid prototyping of electrical and mechanical systems, safety, engineering systems, and environmental science. The combination of these programs and activities offers preparation for graduates entering the fast-paced technology sector.

Our Vision for the Future

Our roots trace back to vocational training established at MTSU in 1912. Today, the Engineering Technology Department continues our mission to prepare students for a new world of engineering, technology, design, automation, and manufacturing.

Explosive growth in our programs, especially in Mechatronics Engineering, has placed extraordinary strains on our limited, aging classroom and lab spaces at the Voorhies Engineering Technology Building and beyond.

We share with you our vision for a modern applied engineering center with:

A new engineering center is a vital link to provide engineers, technicians, designers, and innovators for the workforce of tomorrow. Our goal is to raise a minimum $3 million in private commitments to fund this building.

We sincerely thank you for your support over the years and invite you to partner with us to make our vision a reality.

Department Mission

The mission of the Department of Engineering Technology is to

The Robert E. and Georgianna West Russell Chair of Manufacturing Excellence is designed to promote quality interaction with local industry. Students are encouraged to benefit from the scheduled activities, seminars, and short courses sponsored by the Chair of Manufacturing Excellence.

The department offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Engineering Technology and Mechatronics Engineering.

The Engineering Technology major includes three concentrations: Computer Engineering Technology, Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology. The Mechatronics Engineering major is the only engineering degree that MTSU offers at this time.

Minors are offered in Electronics, Engineering Systems, and Engineering Technology.

Courses are also offered which apply toward Six-Sigma certification, Lean manufacturing certification, safety certification, and credits toward PMI® certification in Project Management. Cooperative Education work experiences are possible for most programs. Interested students should check with their advisors.